
Becoming a Fool

Interesting discovery of the “Fool” in the BIBLE

TGIF Today God Is First Volume 1 by Os Hillman
Thursday, February 11 2010

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.” – Proverbs 1:7

Marvin Wilson, author of Our Father Abraham, has written incisively about the various meanings for our word “fool”:

In Biblical wisdom literature, the pupils of the sages and mentors are the unwise, often termed “fools” (Prov. 1:7) or “simple one” (1:22). In wisdom literature, the different levels of fools – both young and old – are the raw material on which the sages had to work, and they represent the varying degrees of rawness. Perhaps as much as anything else, the term fool is descriptive of an attitude, bent of mind, or direction in life, which needs correcting. The various Hebrew words for fool occur more than a hundred times in the book of Proverbs. [Marvin Wilson, Our Father Abraham (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1989), 284-286.]

The reference to someone being a fool was not necessarily a negative term. A simple fool, or peti, was a person who made mistakes, but quickly righted them and was restored to fellowship with God and with others. King David was a simple fool, one who made mistakes, but kept a repentant heart toward God. This is why God did not turn away from him for his many sins.

The hardened fool, kesil and ewil, makes mistakes, but never learns from them and will not listen to others. Such people can expect God’s reproof to continue and will eat the fruit of their own way (see Prov. 1:31-32). The hardened fool “returns to his own vomit.” King Saul was a hardened fool, one who made mistakes and continued in them even after realizing he was wrong. We’re going to err in our ways. The question is, once we know we have made a mistake before God, do we make the necessary adjustments that will allow Him to intervene on our behalf? And will we avoid the same course of action in the future? God says that if we do, He will pour out His Spirit on us (see Prov. 1:23). He will make known His words to us.

The third level of fool mentioned in Proverbs is the mocking fool or letz. The mocking fool mocks the things of God. This word means “scoffer” or “scorner.” When you encounter cynical people who disregard the things of God, you know these people are “mocking fools.”

The fourth level of fool is the God-denying fool or nabal. This term relates to the morally wicked person who ignores the disgrace he brings on his family and who despises holiness (see Prov. 17:21). This person says, “There is no God.” By failing to acknowledge God for who He is, the nabal declares himself to be a “God-denying” fool.

I have found that it is helpful to try to understand if people are teachable. Are they simple fools, those who make mistakes but seek to learn from them? I can work with those people. But if I sense I am working with a hardened fool, I know I should not spend much time on that person. Jesus did not spend much time trying to convince the rich young ruler. He presented truth, and let him make his decision. Some people must get broken before they can become simple fools. Sometimes it is simply better to let satan chew on people until the ground is fertile enough to present truth to them.



Lord, Make us instruments of Your peace,

Where there is hatred, let Your love increase

Lord, make us instruments of your peace,

Walls of pride and prejudice shall cease

When we are Your instruments of peace.


Where there is hatred, we will show His love

Where there is injury, we will never judge

Where there is striving, we will speak His peace

To the millions crying for release,

We will be His instruments of peace


Lord, make us instruments of Your peace,

Where there is hatred, let Your love increase

Lord, make us instruments of Your peace,

Walls of pride and prejudice shall cease

When we are Your instruments of peace.


Where there is blindness, we will pray for sight

Where there is darkness, we will shine His light

Where there is sadness, we will bear their grief

To the millions crying for relief,

We will be Your instruments of peace.






An Audience of One

Who do I choose to live for? Often the times, we are just too overwhelmed by the happenings all around us, complying ourselves to other people  needs or favours. How exhausting this can be? I’m glad that we are all created by God to please HIM, not others 🙂
An Audience of One
October 12, 2003By Os Hillman

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is-His good, pleasing and perfect will. – Romans 12:2

What audience do you play to? Each day you are seen by many who will make a judgment about the way you handle yourself among different audiences. Politicians have learned to play to their audiences, customizing messages for the needs of their particular groups. Musicians have learned to play to their audiences. Pastors play to their congregations each Sunday morning. Workplace believers play to the audiences who will buy their product.

Christ has called us to play to one audience – the audience of Himself. When you seek to please any other audience in your life, you become susceptible to situational ethics and motivations based on the need for the moment. Your audience becomes a pawn in your hands because you know what they want. Is that wrong? Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn’t.

Pure obedience to pleasing God in our lives will often meet the needs of those around us. It is God’s will that you and I love our spouses, provide good services to our customers, and look to the interests of others before ourselves. This will result in meeting many needs of the audiences in our lives.

However, there are other times when our audiences are asking for something contrary to God’s will. Politicians are often forced to appease their audiences, even though it may go against God’s laws. When we are asked to go with the flow, we discover which audience is most important in our lives. Is it the audience of One, or the audience of many?

Today, be aware of which audience you are playing to. Ask yourself why you are taking a particular action. Is it to please the audience of One? Or is it to please the audience of others who might negatively impact you should you not play to their tune?

Little PET

Little PET


The little pet that I once

Hold dearly in my heart for years

I decided to give them all to YOU now

Without holding anything back!


I know it’s time for me to let go

Although they had been so dear to me in the past…

They are once my whole world

My everything!!!


I was so overwhelmed by them at once,

Can’t live without them

Can’t sleep without thinking about them

Can’t eat without them…


It’s now a history

As I choose to lay them all

Down at YOUR feet, Lord Jesus

One by one….one by one…


Never will I turn back

Never will I shed any tear for them

Never will I linger any longer



I’ve decided to hold YOU

Dear instead in my heart

Only YOU alone

To reside in my heart

And I know for sure

I’m to YOU so dear!

As YOU are to me, Papa God!


“Through the storm I will hold on, LORD

And by faith I will walk on, LORD 

Then I’ll see beyond my calvary one day

And I’ll be complete in YOU”

Tony Melendez

An inspiring life story of  Tony Melendez, be inspired! A man was born in Nicaraqua without any arms but yet living a life till the fullest, being the hands and feet of God to touch the lives of many others as he travels..

Whatever You Do Give Your Best!

“You are my God and in You I will trust

My love for You never will have an end…” 

AM I Your Buddy?

As I was jogging along the canal last night, overheard a conversation of a father with his little boy sitting behind his bicycle seat.

Daddy: Is Mommy your buddy?

Without hesitation, the little boy shouted: Yeah! Mummy is my buddy!!!!

Awww…..So Sweet! I thought this is something very sweet indeed to have our daddy and mommy as our buddy 🙂

Then i heard an inner soft still voice spoke to me:

AM I your Buddy?

I paused for a while…Is Papa God my Buddy?

With an excitement, I shouted out loud in my heart:

YES!!! YES!!! YES!!! Papa God, Your are my BUDDY! The BEST BUDDY that I ever have!!! I LOVE YOU, MY BUDDY!!! 🙂


God’s Promises

“I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you.

I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing

I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse,

and all the people on earth

will be blessed through you”

Genesis 12: 2-3











